Reasons You Might Have A Snoring Problem And Types Of Snoring Surgery That Might Help

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Snoring isn't always a serious problem. You might snore occasionally and not have any bad consequences from it. However, if you snore most nights, you may want to talk to your doctor about it. When you snore a lot, your sleep and the sleep of your spouse are disturbed.

If your snoring interferes with your breathing, you might even suffer from health complications, such as obstructive sleep apnea. There are treatments you can try, but your doctor might recommend snoring surgery when your condition warrants it. Here's an overview of things to know about snoring surgery.

Reasons For Snoring

Snoring is often caused by too much tissue in your upper airway or an upper airway that relaxes too much when you sleep. These problems can be made worse when you're overweight, drink alcohol, have nasal issues, or have a narrow airway.

Snoring surgery can help by removing part of the excess tissue so it doesn't obstruct your airway when you fall asleep at night. When you fall asleep on your back, the tissues naturally fall into your airway and crowd it. Plus, when you're sleeping and very relaxed or intoxicated, your airway might collapse a little.

The result is tissue in your airway that blocks airflow and vibrates loudly when you breathe in and out through your mouth. When the excess tissue is surgically removed, your snoring problem may be greatly relieved or solved.

Options For Snoring Surgery

Removing excess tissues from your upper airway is one type of snoring surgery, and there are other options your doctor can consider. For instance, your doctor might insert implants that help your tissues stay more rigid so they don't fall into your airway and vibrate to create snoring.

Another type of implant that can be put in surgically is a nerve stimulator that senses if you're not breathing properly and then stimulates your nerve to open your airway so you can breathe easily. A different type of surgery involves moving your jaw or tongue forward so your airway is larger.

Your condition won't be suitable for all types of snoring surgery. Your doctor has to determine what is causing your snoring and then match the best surgery to it so you can get relief. Sometimes, the solution could be something simple like removing your tonsils or adenoids. Other times, you may need more complex snoring surgery.

When snoring is interfering with your sleep, your partner's sleep, and your health, finding the right surgical treatment is important for your quality of life. For more information on snoring surgery, contact a professional near you.

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About Me

From Sleep Apnea to Nosebleeds: About ENTs ENT specialists, otherwise known as ear, nose, and throat doctors, deal with a wide range of ailments. This is a good type of doctor to see if you are a loud snorer, since snoring is often due to trouble with the throat or nasal passages. You should also see an ENT if you are waking up tired in the mornings, since that is a common sign of sleep apnea. They treat sinus infections, ear infections, swimmers ear, and more. Read the articles provided here for a better understanding of this field of medicine and of when you should seek care.

